
CIKM 2017 Travel Awards

Thanks to generous support from the US National Science Foundation, SIGIR, and SIGWEB, CIKM 2017 will grant travel awards to selected full-time student attendees. The purpose of the CIKM travel awards is to encourage student participation by partially funding the costs of travel, lodging, and conference registration fees of students who would otherwise have difficulty attending. Particular consideration will be given to underrepresented groups and minority-serving institutions to ensure a diverse group of funded participants.

Applications will be accepted from full-time students at degree granting institutions.

All student participants are eligible to apply for awards, including students presenting regular papers, posters, demonstrations, and those participating in workshops or the AnalytiCup competition. Award criteria will include the applicant's scheduled participation at CIKM'2017, financial need, and potential impact of the applicant’s attendance in increasing the diversity of the conference participation.

Due to separate funding sources for CIKM travel awards, there are two separate applications. We encourage students to complete both applications

Submission deadline: August 18, 2017 (anywhere on Earth).
Award notification: August 28, 2017 (3 days before registration deadline)

SIGIR Travel Award

To apply for SIGIR Travel Awards please visit the following URL: http://sigir.org/general-information/travel-grants/ and click on the CIKM 2017 link.
Every student is eligible to apply as long as he/she: (1) is an author of a full or short paper, and (2) is the one presenting the work at the conference.

US NSF and SIGWEB Travel Award

To apply for the SIGWEB and US NSF Travel Award please visit the following URL: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CIKMTA2017. We will use a paper submission form to manage travel award applications:

If you have a paper/poster accepted at CIKM 2017 main conference, one of its workshops, or a tutorial, please include the list of authors, title, and track/workshop of the paper(s) in the field "Abstract." Also include the paper ID and if the applicant will be the presenter of the work.

Please upload a 2-page PDF file. The first page should have a brief statement containing:

The second page of the PDF should include a supporting letter (with official letterhead) from your advisor that:

Students receiving the travel awards are required to:

Only PDF documents are accepted. Students receiving travel awards may be asked to assist the conference staff with activities during the conference. Late submissions, or documents in other formats will not be accepted. All questions should be addressed to the travel chairs: [email protected].